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Participate in the California Water: Assessment of Toxins for Community Health (Cal-WATCH) Study

Over 60% of Lake County residents receive their drinking water from Clear Lake. For those not using a public water system for household water, testing for contaminants such as cyanotoxins from HABs, nitrates, coliform bacteria, and herbicides is not regularly done.

In this study, our goals are to: 

  • Understand whether there are contaminants that may pose a health risk to those drawing water from untreated and untested lake intakes or wells
  • Understand whether similar contaminants may pose a health risk to those who live alongside and draw water from creeks in Lake County
  • Educate residents on potential health risks from untested drinking water
  • Offer a one-time test for contaminants of at-risk wells and lake water intakes

Interested in having your drinking water tested? 

To see if you qualify, please complete a short online form by clicking on the link below. A researcher will follow up with you regardless of whether or not you are eligible to participate.

This year, we will also be testing homes alongside creeks in Lake County that do not receive their drinking water from a public water system. To see if you are eligible to have your water tested, please click on the link below.

Click here to complete the Cal-WATCH participants eligibility form

If you are a resident of a home with a well or intake, check out our Cal-WATCH Resources page.